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Working Papers

“Time Aggregation, Bias, and the Money-Inflation Relationship.” (with John McDermott and Warren Weber). Under review.

“Debt Crises and Depressions." (with John McDermott). Under review.


Work in Progress

“Demography and Inflation.” (with John McDermott).

“Inflation Targeting and Purchasing Power Parity.” (with Eun Son Lim).

“Purchasing Power Parity and Free Trade Agreements.” (with Eun Son Lim).

“Fed Policy and Risk Premia.” (with Felicia Marston and Robert Harris).



Inter-temporal Purchasing Power Parity. (with Vikram Kumar and Shyam Gouri Suresh). Open Economies Review. November 2015. 26:869-91.    

The Pattern of Convergence in the U.S. States (with William Hauk and John McDermott).  Applied Economics Letters. January 2014.  21:64-68.      

Economic Depression in the World. (with John McDermott).  Journal of Macroeconomics. December 2013. 38:227-242.

 Respect, Responsibility, and Development  (with John McDermott).  Journal of Development Economics. November 2013. 105:36-47.

Culture, Caution, and Trust. (with John McDermott) Journal of Development Economics. (2012). 97:15-23.

Nominal Exchange Rate, Relative Price Volatility, and the Real Exchange Rate. (with Srideep Ganguly).  Journal of International Money and Finance.  2010.

An Event Study of Currency Crises and Institutions.  Review of Financial Economics. 2007. 16:274-90. 

Problem Bank Loans, Conflicts of Interest, and Institutions.  Journal of Financial Stability. 2006. 2:266-285. 

Misleading Inferences from Panel Unit Root Tests: A Reply.  (with Robert McNown and Myles Wallace). Review of International Economics. August 2006.                  14:512-516. 

Currency Crises and Institutions.  (with Pattama L. Shimpalee), Journal of International Money and Finance. February 2006. 25: 125-45.

An Exegesis on Currency and Banking Crises.  Journal of Economic Surveys.   August 2004.  18:293-320.

The Commodity Composition of US-Japanese Trade and the Yen/Dollar Real Exchange Rate.  (with Leianne Clements). Japan and the World Economy. August 2003.15:307-30.

Series-specific Unit Root Tests with Panel Data.  (with Robert McNown and Myles Wallace).  Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.  December 2002. 64:527-46.

Misleading Inferences in Panel Unit Root Tests: An Illustration from Purchasing Power Parity. (with Robert McNown and Myles Wallace) Review of International Economics.  August 2001. 9:482-93.

Term Effects and the Time-varying Risk Premium in Tests of Forward Foreign Exchange Rate Unbiasedness.  International Journal of Finance and Economics. July 2000.  5:211-20.

Day-of-week Effects in Tests of Forward Foreign Exchange Rate Unbiasedness.  International Journal of Finance and Economics.  July 1999.  4:193-204.  Lead article.

Internal Relative Price Stability in Long Run Purchasing Power Parity,  (with Alston Flynn Lippert).  Review of International Economics.  May 1997. 5:195-203.

The Road Less Travelled: Institutional Aspects of Data and their Influence on Empirical Estimates with an Application to Tests of Forward Rate Unbiasedness,  (with Mark Wohar). Economic Journal.  January 1996. 433:26-38.

Breaks in Money Demand.  (with Alston Flynn Lippert). Southern Economic Journal.  October 1996.  63:496-506.

Purchasing Power Parity and Real Factors.  (with Alston Flynn Lippert). Applied Economics. 1994. 26:1027‑36.  Lead article.

A Case Study Approach to Modelling the Dollar/Pound Exchange Rate: 1973 - 85.  Journal of International and Comparative Economics. Winter 1994. 3:175-94.

Tests of Long Run Purchasing Power Parity using Alternative Methodologies.  (with Alston Flynn Lippert). Journal of Macroeconomics, Winter 1993. 15:109-22.

The US Current Account: A Long and Short Run Empirical Perspective, Southern Economic Journal. July 1991. 58:93-111.

Market Efficiency using Forward and Futures Exchange Contracts. (with Mona R. El Shazly). Global Finance Journal. Spring/Summer 1991. 2:11-25.

On the Economics of Intercollegiate Athletics Programs. (with Arthur Padilla).  Journal of Sport and Social Issues, Fall/Winter 1987. 11:61-73.



Assessing Export Markets for South Carolina Businesses. in South Carolina Business and Economic Review.  July 1996.  In print.

An Assessment of the Evidence on Purchasing Power Parity. chapter in Essays on Estimating Equilibrium Exchange Rates, edited by John Williamson.  Institute for International Economics.  September 1994. p. 245-77.

Europe 1992: A Closer Look, Economic Review of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. July/August 1991. 76:23-38

Europe 1992. (with Douglas P. Woodward), Business and Economic Review, College of Business Administration, University of South Carolina.

October 1990. 37:3-9.


Book Reviews

The Moral Foundation of Economic Behavior by David C. Rose, Journal of Economic Literature.  September 2012. 50:795-797.

Europe 1992: An American Perspective ed. Gary Clyde Hufbauer,  Economic Review of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. November/December 1991. 76:26-30.

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